CPR for Canines
Our thanks to Dr. Wendy Wallace

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an attempt to supply blood flow and oxygen to the tissues of the body when normal respiration and/or heart function have failed. Time is critical as irreversible tissue damage occurs within 2-4 minutes of respiratory or circulatory arrest.
Signs of cardiac arrest 

~ unconsciousness
~ cessation of breathing
~ pale to grey-white gums
~ dilated pupils

Step 1
Check for heart activity
~ listen to the chest
~ feel for pulses - femoral artery

Step 2
Call for help immediately if available


Step 3

~  open mouth, pull out tongue, look and feel for obstructions

~  Clear mucus. Careful - DO NOT GET BITTEN!

~  extend head and neck
Step 4

~ with head and neck extended, hold dog's nose with his mouth closed.

~ inhale, place your mouth over dog's nose and mouth and exhale, watching   for chest expansion as you blow.

~ remove your mouth to allow lungs to deflate

~ rate is 12 - 20 breaths per minute
Step 5

~ for deep-chested dogs, place dog right side down with his spine against your body;

~ position your hands one on top of the other with fingers entwined and the heel of the palm at approximately the level of the 4th - 6th rib, 1/3 of the way up the chest from the sternum;

~ apply compression in a firm, steady downward motion, release.

~ rate: approx 100 - 120 cimpressions/minute

~ single resuscitator: 2 breaths / 15 compressions

~ double resuscitators: 1 breath / 3-5 compressions

~ check efficiency by feeling for pulses


~ prognosis is poor if fixed and dilated pupils do not constrict down after initiation of CPR


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