Bichon Frise
Information Station

serving the worldwide Bichon Frise community


Please be vigilant of these things ....  Clic


Attn:   Kroger Shoppers

'There is no therapist in the world as effective as an adoring bichon.'
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: All information contained on these pages is offered as a helpful service.  It it not intended as medical counsel or taking the place of professional guidance. Please seek the services of  a competent veterinarian or professional dog trainer at the first indication of problems.

All information contained on thise page is offered as a helpful service. 
It it not intended as medical counsel or taking the place of professional guidance.  
Please seek the services of a competent veterinarian
if you suspect your dog could be infected with heartworms.

Mosquitoes transmit heartworms from one infected animal to another.

(i.e. A mosquito bites a dog which has heartworms.  The mosquito then has that dog's blood in it's system. In a while any animal it bites could easily become infected as a result of the infected blood from the first dog ...leading to contamination of  the second dog with tiny heartworm "babies" (larvae). 

Baby heartworms (larvae) are in jected with blood from a mosquito,
they then migrate and mature for several months (about 6)

The number of heartworms in a dog can range from 1 upwards to nearly 300!

Adult heartworms grow to 9-14" long and  live in the right side of a dog’s heart
and/or in the arteries going to the lungs (pulmonary arteries).

As heartworms grow in size and number, they restrict blood flow
and can cause organ damage particularly to the heart and lungs. 
An animal with heartworms can die if not treated early in the disease.

SYMPTOMS don't always tell the story!!
Depending on the severity of the infestation,
and can include none, any or all of the following:
Cough, low tolerance for exercise, difficult breathing,
abnormal heart & lung sounds, enlargement of the liver,
weight loss, vomiting and even temporary loss of consciousness

Heartworms caught in the earlier stages
can be successfully treated with drugs that
kill the adult heart worms and larvae.  The milder the case of the disease,
the higher the chance for complete recovery.

It is very important for a dog to have an annual checkup which includes
testing for heartworms and a preventative program to avoid infection

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