Bichon Frise
Information Station

serving the worldwide Bichon Frise community


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Attn:   Kroger Shoppers

'There is no therapist in the world as effective as an adoring bichon.'
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: All information contained on these pages is offered as a helpful service.  It it not intended as medical counsel or taking the place of professional guidance. Please seek the services of  a competent veterinarian or professional dog trainer at the first indication of problems.

The Tellington TTouch is a specialized approach to the care and training of our animal companions. Developed by internationally recognized animal expert, Linda Tellington-Jones, this method based on cooperation and respect offers a positive approach to training, can improve performance and health and presents solutions to common behavioral and physical problems. It also helps establish a deeper rapport between humans and animals through increased understanding and more effective communication.


  TTouch - the Tellington-Touch - is a method based on circular movements of the fingers and hands all over the body. The intent of the TTouch is to activate the function of the cells and awaken cellular intelligence - a little like "turning on the electric lights of the body." The TTouch is done on the entire body, and each circular TTouch is complete within itself. Therefore it is not necessary to understand anatomy to be successful in speeding up the healing of injuries or ailments, or changing undesirable habits or behavior.
Using a combination of specific touches, lifts, and movement exercises, TTouch helps to release tension and increase body awareness. This allows the animal to be handled without provoking typical fear responses. The animal can then more easily learn new and more appropriate behaviors. By using the TTouch and a variety of other tools, like the Confidence Course, you can assist the animal in experiencing self-confidence in previously frightening situations. Even the most difficult problems are often eliminated. You can also apply the Tellington TTouch to assist with recovery from illness or injury, or just enhance the quality of your animal's life.
  This gentle method is currently being used by trainers, breeders, veterinarians, zoo personnel and shelter workers worldwide. TTouch™ is proving valuable as a tool in the resolution of behavioral issues including aggression, separation anxiety, fears and phobias, relief of stress, and improved performance in conformation, obedience, agility and other dog sports.
TTouch™ is performed and taught by certified Practitioners who complete a rigorous 2-year training program. Certified Practitioners hold membership in an international Guild, and must pursue continuing education to keep their skills and membership current.

For more information, visit the
Tellington TTouch website
and read
Stories and Testimonials
that will inspire you!

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